Friday, December 9, 2016

The Hittyville Gazette Fun Facts

 Erik Potter is listening to his daughter, Sophie, and her friends Poppy and Vicki 
engage in a lively discussion.
They are sharing the most interesting Fun Facts.

 Erik is the editor of The Hittyville Gazette and has an idea.

The next day...
 Erik explains he has asked the girls to come to the newspaper office to discuss doing a weekly Fun Fact column for the children's page.
The girls will have complete freedom in creating their column and need to turn their Fun Fact article into Miss Hart when they are finished.
The girls are thrilled and thank Mr. Potter for this awesome opportunity.

 The Hittyville Friends have a plan.  Vicki will find and research a Fun Fact.  Poppy will  "stage" the scene to illustrated the Fun Fact.
Sophie will photogragh the scene.

Along Porter Creek...

Today's Fun Fact
Beavers have orange teeth because the tooth enamel contains iron deposits to keep their teeth strong.

Today's Fun Fact was very well received and the girls are busy compiling Fun Facts and scene locations for future columns...


  1. What a wonderful way to work together and to compile fun facts by actually visiting the site as well. Well done girls.
