Monday, April 27, 2015

Ruby's Treasures

Hello Everybody!
My name is Ruby and as the song goes, I am "Younger than Springtime".
But I must say, this season called Spring and I have something very important in common...BABIES!
As you have probably noticed, I am a baby and I have just met three other Spring babies.
I think this thing called LIFE is going to be lots of fun!

~Until next time~
Love from Ruby


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Lorraine! Babies do "say" the most thought provoking things...

  2. "Now Vicki," (I say in my best Big Mom voice) "I thought you weren't going to buy any more dolls!"

    Hey, I bought a little Dave the Minion figure and in honour of Chinese new year, bought him some sheep. Then a bit later his girls Tulip and Tilly gave birth. Tulip gave birth to Topsy and Tilly had the twins Nell and Biscuit.

    This Spring babies thing, who knew??!!

    I have a childhood baby doll which I resurrected a few years ago. Sewed her a pillow and bed and put her in an old cradle. I hope Ruby has a nice cradle and bed linens......

    1. I know, Mom...I mean Judy...That was a crazy thing for me to even say, but I did mean it at the time. And I just adore Ruby! I am slowly working on her "collection".
      I love your little Dave and enjoyed visiting his adventure pages. He is a lucky little guy to have found a home with you.
      Thanks for visiting...
