Sunday, April 26, 2015

A Banner YELLOW Day

 Grandmother Gnome is so happy Lewis suggested planting Dandelion Gardens especially for the Gnomes.  This batch of Dandelions will be just perfect for Grandmother Gnome's delicious tea which cures all Spring ailments.

 Lewis has also declared much of Hittyville's fields as No Dandelion Picking Zones.
Lewis is a firm believer in appreciating the magnificent YELLOW flowers where they bloom.

 Lewis decided to visit Socrates' new outdoor home.
He could not believe his eyes!
Lewis had never seen such a YELLOW tree before.

 Lewis had heard about the Forsythia "trees" but had NEVER seen one...until now!
Our little friend was in YELLOW heaven.

Lewis could not help himself!  He just had to bring a bit of YELLOW heaven home with him.

~It was the best of YELLOW days for Lewis~


  1. Oh what a super YELLOW post! Miles was delighted to read this and see all the lovely sunshiny yellowness.
