Monday, April 13, 2015

Books Glorious Books

 The books Yukari recommended arrived today and I read just a bit of "The Saucepan Journey" and you are right, Yukari, it is my kind of book!
Thank you...

My bookshelves are slowly filling up again.
I absolutely love "The Residence" and am learning SO much about the White House...and its residents!

~Reading is heavenly~

1 comment:

  1. Years ago (1979) there was a TV mini series called Backstairs at the White House which was fabulous. The DVD for that is still available. It starts with President Taft. I also bought the book the series was based on My Thirty Years Backstairs at the White House by Lillian Rogers Parks.

    It's fascinating. I recently read a bio of Alice Roosevelt Longworth (TR's daughter)--love the stories about the White House. Lalalala "My sweet little Alice blue gown..."
