Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Sunday With Abe

 Joe and I traveled up to Cleveland to spend the afternoon with Noah, Amy, and of course...Abe!
Joe took Abe "bowling" after lunch.
Look at that form!

 Abe caught on right away and his balls...for the most part...went straight down the middle!

 We loved watching Abe cheer his bowling ball down the lane...


 Amy joined in on the fun...

Back home...
 Abe is very good at multi-tasking!

 Abe and I played with his Valentine Train while Amy did a bit of shopping and worked out at the Y.  Noah and Joe were busy doing electrical work in Abe's room, which is being totally redecorated.

 Joe put in a switch...with a dimmer...for Abe's track lighting for his art corner.  My talented husband also added an electrical outlet.
That man can do anything!

Abe thanked his Grandpa Joe for all his hard work.
Abe was extremely interested in Joe's tools and wanted to know their names and what they were used for.
It looks like Joe will have an apprentice very soon!

~It was the best of days~

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