I decided to go on a little hike around the Farm and noticed my chipmunks hadn't picked up their seeds yet today.
I did see at least 2 little guys chasing each other about by the barn door.
The pool is such a glorious addition to our Farm and I am sorry I haven't used it more.
I guess this will be my walking path from now on.
The AU track somehow bothers my legs and then I have to drive there and it is expensive.
The best things in life are free.
I was feeling a bit melancholy with everyone back at school and realizing this is the 8th school year I won't be teaching.
But then, I perked right up and realized my star shines brightly no matter where I am...It's up to me.
And I love my life here on the Farm.
I appreciate I have time to spend with my many animals.
There are so many wonderful creative adventures to explore!
And then there are my evenings with Joe.
~Heaven on Earth~