Friday, April 10, 2015

Sisters at Sunset

 I thought it would be extra special if my little sister and I watched a sunset together.
Bea was playing can see the glitter on her head...and wasn't as excited as I was to see a spectacular sunset.  I think all sunsets are spectacular, by the way.  Mother Nature is the greatest artist of them all!

And then...
Bea had to admit, the sunset was very beautiful and watching it with me was almost as wonderful as playing Sparklebelle.

~Being honest~


  1. Had fun trying to catch up with all your blog posts and discover you are back in one place again.... was curious about the referral to your books...have you got rid of a whole load of books? I have been thinking about thinning out my collection and did get rid of quite a few before I went away.

    Love these two photos, how wonderful watching the sunset.

    1. Hello Lorraine! Welcome "home". Did you start a separate blog for your trip? I couldn't find it...I did thin out my collection...over 1000 books have found homes elsewhere. They were mostly mysteries which I devour like crazy. I have already started filling up the shelves with new additions. Life is good and Hittyville is more fun and active than ever!
      Thank you for checking in and I am so glad you had a wonderful visit...

    2. Hi Vicki, thank you. My various posts are on different blogs...I know confusing! There are a couple of Hitty posts on I have done one on Henry's blog so far (which is also copied on my How Many Dolls blog ( I think there are a couple of posts on that blog as I also blogged about Wren. Plus there is a couple of highlight blog posts on my own blog. Email if you want all the links.

      I sent a lot of books to the charity shop before I went away. I need to do some more sorting but find it really hard to part with my books - as I do anything actually! Well done you. Wow, over 1000 books thinned out - that is impressive.

      Looks like you have some interesting new books to read. I daren't get any more at the moment until I have actually achieved some downsizing.
